Tech Biz Devs


I'd like a forum to discuss important business and technical topics with my friends. I'd like to foster sharing of knowledge between my friends, especially business people, tech devs, and entrepreneurs.

My priority is making these meetings useful and fun!

Signing up is not a commitment; it only helps me determine interest. :-)

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I'd like a once a month zoom-style conference call on the first Monday of the month at 8 PM Eastern. I'd like to discuss topics that everybody wants to discuss, so I propose voting on the topics.

For each topic we could discuss definitions, pros, cons, and when to apply it. We could discuss similarities and differences to other topics.

I'd like to record all the meetings in case something awesome happens!

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Possible Topics

  • Contract vs. employment vs. entrepreneur vs. owner
  • Experimental vs. enterprise techs
  • Customers vs. clients vs. employer
  • Salaries and payment
  • Outsourcing and insourcing and doing it yourself
  • Documentation procedures how toos
  • Excellence vs. good enough
  • Creating impressive and beautiful things
  • Passive income
  • Creativity
  • Keeping up to date. How much is best?
  • Do you need to be an expert? Do you want to be? Do you want to be known as an expert?
  • Retirement, investment, saving, budgeting
  • Mission
  • Mission and feature creep
  • Time boundaries
  • Bosses and subordinates, managers and management
  • Procrastination and schedules
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